Mumbai: Ranveer Singh and Anushka Sharma who made many headlines in the past because of their alleged affair and bitter break up, have decided to bury the past and be friends again. It is said that they both were not on talking terms with each other earlier. Rumour has it that Anushka Sharma is dating Arjun Kapoor these days. Interestingly, Arjun Kapoor is the one who played peacemaker between the ex-lovers. And all this happened at a special screening organised by Karan Johar for Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani. A source told a leading daily that, "A lot of common friends of Karan Johar and his team were also present, including Arjun Kapoor, Ranveer Singh and Anushka Sharma. It was Arjun who took the initiative to break the ice between the two. After some awkward silence from both the sides, a few pleasantries were exchanged and they warmed up to each other again." All's well that ends well!
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that's Great too Fast updated.